VBS Registration

Dear all,
  Please visit the downloads area to gain access to the VBS 2015 notice, and registration forms.
For the first time leaders, you are kindly requested to participate in the VBS Leaders Orientation Camp in December- the forms will be made available in the Downloads.
The other registration form is also uploaded.

World Sunday School Day Song (Malayalam) and track

For all those who want to sing a song during the World Sunday School Day, kindly click on this link https://soundcloud.com/sundayschoolsamajam/world-sunday-school-day-song
And if you need the minus track for this song, click here on this link https://soundcloud.com/sundayschoolsamajam/akhila-minua-mp3
Hope youll enjoy it. Thanks!

Examinations- Dates and Details

Annual Examinations, Birudh Examinations, Teacher’s Examinations 2014
I - Nursery, Beginner, Primary Examinations
a. The Annual Examinations will be held for Nursery, Beginner and Primary students, for both first year and second year students.
b. The Samajam will provide the Question Papers for both first and second year students.
c. Please note that there will only be an Oral Test for both the first and second year students.

World Sunday School Day Order of Worship

Order of Worship
World Sunday School Day- 2014

As approved by the Metropolitan of the Mar Thoma Church
Opening Prayer
Father God, we your children come before you with a heart of thanksgiving and praise. We ask of you to be with us today, and help us to realize your presence. May we be filled with the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thalanthu Parishodhana Music CD

Hey all,
 We are pleased to inform you that the CD for the Talent Test 2015 (Thanlanthu Parishodhana), is now ready for sale.
The CD will be called 'Karthavinte Karangal'. It will be priced at Rs. 80/-
Kindly come and collect your CDs from the Sunday School Samajam Office or DSM&C office in Thiruvalla.


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