Birudhu Examinations Results

Dear friends,

Please find the attachment that contain the results of the examinations. Teachers Examinations included.


Merry Christmas

The Sunday School Samajam family wishes you all  a Merry Christmas. 

Peshawar Attack: Humanity put to shame

16th December 2014, will be remembered as the most horrifying day in the history of mankind, when a group of Taliban extremists posing as army soldiers stormed into a school in Peshawar and massacred 133 inncocent children at point blank range. More than 20 teachers were burnt alive.
Ghastly, gruesome and shameless. 

Talent Test Songs Classification

Please find the classwise songs for the Talent Test 2015 from the attached pdf file.

World Sunday School Day 2015 Song and Track- NEW!

Hey friends,
Here is a new song for the World Sunday School Day done by Mr. Cyril Wilson. Hope this will help you all for the celebrations on Nov 2.


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