mtsamajam - February 24, 2015
Dear friends,
Please find the attachment that contain the results of the examinations. Teachers Examinations included.
mtsamajam - December 23, 2014
The Sunday School Samajam family wishes you all a Merry Christmas.
mtsamajam - December 18, 2014
16th December 2014, will be remembered as the most horrifying day in the history of mankind, when a group of Taliban extremists posing as army soldiers stormed into a school in Peshawar and massacred 133 inncocent children at point blank range. More than 20 teachers were burnt alive.
Ghastly, gruesome and shameless.
mtsamajam - November 6, 2014
Please find the classwise songs for the Talent Test 2015 from the attached pdf file.
mtsamajam - October 31, 2014
Hey friends,
Here is a new song for the World Sunday School Day done by Mr. Cyril Wilson. Hope this will help you all for the celebrations on Nov 2.