
Camps are held for Sunday Schools by the Diocese, Center or the parish. The Sunday School Samajam prepares a theme for the year and publishes a Camp Book with songs for the year.

The theme for this year is "Abide in Christ" (John. 15:4).

Blog: No to Firecrackers

sensitive cat

I am forced to write this after seeing my pet cat behave 'abnormally' at the noise of festive firecrackers. This happens only during festivals, yes, but one must admit that it happens more frequently than ever before- thanks to the dirt cheap prices and easy accessibility.

A study on the St. James Liturgy

Rites and rituals have a greater significance in life. They form the anchor on which traditions can be built upon values can be transferred. We build our rites and rituals ourselves. The way we celebrate, the way we pray, the times,


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