Lessons for the 2014 Annual and Birudh Examinations

The Lessons for the 2014 Annual and Birudh Examinations
In Kerala & Outside Kerala
Nursery to Yuvavakup
First 17 Lessons.
Outside India
Nursery to Yuvavakup
First 13 Lessons
Adult Class
All Lessons for Kerala,
Outside Kerala and Outside India
Teachers: All Lessons for Kerala
Outside Kerala and Outside India.


Dear friends,
'Thalirukal' is Samajam's monthly magazine for children. As you would have noticed, the recent issues of Thalirukal have gone through a sea change, in its overall content and even looks. We are striving to bring out this magazine in a way that can attract children in the most possible way.
Thalirukal magazine is filled with short stories, puzzles, jokes, poems, colouring pages and cartoons.


Dear friends,
 Please note that our age old email ID samajam@sify.com will not be working anymore, as sify has decided to shut down its mail services.
Therefore we have changed our email ID to mtsamajam@gmail.com. Kindly redirect your mails to this new address. It would be good if you can save the new mail ID into your email address database. The old sify ID can be deleted as well.

Thanks for your cooperation.

August 2014

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