Foundation Stone Laying For Secretaries' Quarters

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Secretaries Quarters by the Metropolitan H.G Dr. Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan on 9, June 2016, Thursday at 4 PM at Thiruvalla, near Bethel Junction, Varicad.
Kindly come and bless the occasion with your presence and prayers.

We request you to kindly remember the construction in your prayers. We need resources to build this structure and we believe God will provide us.
Thank you. 

VBS Theme Song Minus Track

Dear friends,

Please find the minus track for the KUVBS 2016 Theme Song in the below link provided. They are Sound Cloud links, you can download the tracks without any hassles. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Orginal Track:
Thank you!


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